Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Parafoils Passing K38, Baja

Another great day at K38 Baja as the sun was out until early afternoon and then the fog rolled in.  The surf is still way up but I only saw one surfer out today as all the San Diego surfers have gone back to work.  It's high tide about now, just a little past 6 PM my time and you can hear the surf pounding on the cliff that our house sits on.

Four parafoils flew in front of the house about noon today.  It's not something that you see everyday so it was a treat.  Two of the parafoils past by at the same level of the house and the other two were 50 to 100 feet higher.

Shadow is enjoying this trip even more than usual because she doesn't need to be on a leash as much during the day.  The agressive dogs are all gone and the rest of the Camp dogs are friendly, most being her size or just a little bit larger.  Only one 150 pound dog is left and he is getting old.  I'll have to put an image of the old boy on the next post.
Catching the air along the cliff.

Coming back our way.

Close but higher up.

Looks like fun.

Parafoil on level with our house.

Shadow on the deck.

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